everyday is the same
everyday is the same is a video based piece that invites the audience to the
daily life of a student during the COVID-19 pandemic. The day is repetitive and exists
predominantly on a screen (computer, phone or both). The piece is intrusive by showing how I
exist on the computer but still the viewer can’t see everything: my phone screen is covered, the
food preparation process is omitted, I shower off camera. It’s boring, you may not make it
through the whole thing, it’s curated to be short, but it’s honest. I’m not making it anymore
interesting than it really is.
Due to our internet presence, our existences are linked. Even though the main idea behind the
piece is to watch me exist through my computer screen, it’s impossible to say that it’s only about
me. I open facebook marketplace and I see posts by people that I don’t even know. I open
Messenger or iMessage and the viewer sees who I text and gets a glimpse of the topic of
conversation. By sharing my screen, I am sharing parts of everyone else’s lives. It’s harder to
escape our internet presence than to exist with the others.
watch in full screen for best result